Community Resources
London Hydro
519.661.5503 (8:15am – 5:00pm (Click on “Start/Cancel Service”)
Check out (Ontario Energy Board) for information on rates, private suppliers, and how to make sense of your electricity bill!
Union Gas
1.888.774.3111 (Click on “I’m Moving”)
1st time buyers required to pay a $35 (+GST) fee to open a new account — Before you commit to a supplier and sign a new contract, be sure to research and investigate your options! Confirm that you don’t already have an agreement in place, and that you aren’t interfering with an existing contract. Shopping around is also important as prices can vary between 15-20% in our deregulated ‘gas’ market. A little bit of homework could provide annual savings on your gas expenses!
Reliance Home Comfort
1.866.Reliance (735.4262) (Click on “Support”, then “Moving”)
Bell Canada
519.310.2355 (When prompted, say “I’m Moving”) Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. –– 7 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. –– 5 p.m.
1.888.Rogers1 (764.3771) (if you have a “My Rogers” online account)
*Call at least 30 days before move to apply for exclusive rates and savings
Canada Post
Great resources to notify others of your upcoming move and change your address
To forward mail from a previous address, a cost of $40 is charged for 6 months, $70 charge for 12 months.
City of London
(Garbage & Recycling)
School Transportation & Boundaries
TVDSB School Boundary Map (Search by address or school to determine eligibility)